Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A short house update

Well, by this time next week we will be homeowners. We heard from our lender yesterday afternoon and our loan is now in closing. We have met every requirement a week ahead of schedule. Once again, the words used to describe the loan process were: smooth, easy, unbelievable, and surprising. At 9 am on Monday 9/25, we go through our final walk through and then at 11, we close.

We really could not be more a
amazed about this entire process. When we began this, a very dear couple to us prayed over us that the entire thing would be stress free...and it really has. So we wait a few more days. We actually have a deposit down on a refrigerator and we have movers scheduled for Tuesday.

Would you still pray for a smooth adjustment into the house? We are so grateful for all of your support through this process.

With love,

Garrett and Samantha

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